And along came 2012….

Wowie!  Did 2012 ever arrive at lightening speed.  I am going to provide you with some ramblings from December since I have been an absolutely, positively, atrocious blogger!  Thank god my readers are all friends and family. 🙂  After a whirl of Christmas parties and celebrations R and I had an amazing Christmas with our family.  And I don’t know how I do it year after year, but Santa always has me right at the top of his ‘nice’ list.  Here is hoping that 2012 brings us as much love and happiness as 2011 did.

Here are my random thoughts for today.

1)   I don’t believe in expectant mommy or new mommy parking.  In my opinion if you are healthy enough to have children, then you are healthy enough to walk to the door.  I have absolutely no problem parking there either, it’s not as if anyone is going to question you on it. 

2)  Chocolate croissants are like small piece of heaven that have thunked down to earth in a buttery, chocolately, icing sugary torpedo.  Straight from my lips to my hips and I don’t care.

3)  Good friends (and T just learned this lesson) always tell you if you have something in  your teeth, hanging out your nose, if you’re flying low and if you have RED WINE MOUTH.  I like to be a good friend, so check your fly and run your tongue over your teeth right now to make sure you are in the clear.  Check out this guy – Red Wine Lips! Piers Morgan With red wine staining his lips and teeth, England cricketer Freddie Flintoff leaves the Morgan Awards, held at the five star Mandarin Oriental hotel in London's swanky Knightsbridge. Flintoff attended the event with his wife, Rachel.

4)  Ollie loves the couch.  This Christmas Ollie had a bath and all his bedding was washed and he smelled really good, so we let him on the bed and the couch as a treat.  He is bliss. 

5)  Holidays mean you can eat whatever you want as long as you are ok with torturing yourself after the holidays to lose the damn weight you gained.

6)  If you cut a bunch of branches off the bottom of your Christmas tree you can fit a lot more presents under there.  It might look funny at first, but trust me, once you load the gifts under it it’s perfect.

7)  I heart Butter London Nail Polish, try it, you will too.

8)  Champagne and Orange Juice should be made the national drink for Breakfast everywhere.

9)  Fuzzy socks are the best.

10)  Boxing Day shopping should happen all year.  And if you don’t already Google promo codes for online shopping, do it.  80% of the time I find a promo code in a google search for the store I am online shopping from.

11)  FACT – I am taller than my mom.

12)  In case there are still some of you out there who do not know this, I HATE mushrooms.  I also do not enjoy, cooked carrots, baked apples, coconut, walnuts, pecans, dates, raw tomatoes, most fish and seafood (with the exception of Crab) and please don’t offer me anything with Blue Cheese.

Happy New Year All!

December 31, 2011. Uncategorized. 2 comments.

Excuse Me, Pardon Me

Yesterday I did some Christmas shopping, it was seniors day at Shopper’s so I tagged along with BA and did some stocking stuffer shopping for R, then I went to the dreaded mall.  I know that for some of you this might be hard to believe, but I HATE the mall.  I also hate large stores that are invariably busy, like the Superstore, Costco on a Saturday, Holt Renfrew during the holidays (which also has snotty staff) and Walmart.  I love buying presents for my family and friends who are on my nice list, and it’s no secret that I also like to buy myself new stuff from time to time :).  What I don’t love is people in a busy shopping environment.  I practically break out in hives if I am asked to attend Yorkdale mall with anyone, it doesn’t seem to matter what day or time it is at that mall, it is always packed with people.  People shopping are unpredictable, they don’t seem to have any consideration for the environment around them, nor for their fellow shoppers.  In my experience when you remove people from overcrowded environments they are great, but in that environment they are rude and uncivilized.  The ones that really get me are the rude stroller shoppers, do you really think that because you have recently added to world population that it entitles you to more than someone without a stroller?   I know that some people love to shop last-minute and thrive off of the energy of the pushy panicked people in the mall, I am just not one of those people.  In fact, I have done most of my shopping at home online, the UPS, Purolator, Canada Post and FedEx drivers have become quite familiar with our house.  I almost feel like we should leave them a Christmas gift, I am going to miss them when the holiday season is over.  Happy shopping my friends!

People shop at the Toronto Eaton Centre on the last Saturday before Christmas.

December 9, 2011. Uncategorized. 1 comment.

A Breezy Solution

Back in July we talked about the Duvet (and by that I really mean, me) and how R and I have completely different sleep requirements when it comes to the best temperature for sleeping.  A few weeks ago I purchased all new bedding for our room, and it looks fabulous.  I am super stoked about it (cannot believe I am finally at that age where bedding is exciting) and it required a new duvet to complete the transformation.  Since the summer I have suffered with no duvet, just sheets and blankets.  This really isn’t enough for our pending winter season.  I did not find one of those dual sided duvet, although I also didn’t really look for one.  I know, selfish of me, but hey – I am the one shopping for the bed.  I did buy a light feather duvet though, and I have left the window open (just a little a bit) to keep R happy.  I feel like my Auntie J, she has a real thing for cold bedrooms, I am not sure how we all know this about her, but we do. 

Ollie is also accepting of the window solution, it gives him the enjoyment of barking at the little dog that lives behind us.  He props his front paws on the window ledge and gives that little dog hell, then when he is ready for bed he curls around and lets us tuck him in with his own doggy duvet (it’s really a blanket).  On hot nights he just rolls over and enjoys the beautiful breeze.  Here’s hoping that when it gets really cold I can close the window, there is nothing worse than sticking your arm out of the warmth of your bed to shut the alarm off and find that it’s 0 degrees in your room!

December 6, 2011. Uncategorized. 1 comment.

I am slowly going crazy….

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, switch, slowly am I crazy going, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, switch.  Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for weeks on end?  I have, and I am currently singing 2 verses from a song that I can’t even recall where I ever heard it.   This song was released before I was even born, it definitely isn’t on any pop charts or iTunes headlines, and yet I can’t stop singing Melanie Safka’s ‘Brand New Key’.  That’s right, I sing over and over and over again these 2 verses.

I’ve got a pair of brand new roller skates; and you’ve got a brand new key.

Why, why, why, why, why??????  Why can’t I get this song out of head, I truly feel as though I am going CRAZY!!

Check out the video, it’s folksy, it’s nothing I would ever be into (no offense to anyone who likes folksy), and I don’t even really like roller skating.

December 5, 2011. Uncategorized. 2 comments.